Monday, January 28, 2008

Mummy I've found my lungs!

Well, this week started off soooo good......

Ruby weighed in at the Nurse on Wednesday at 7 pound 6 ounces. She had put on 500 grams in a week. Mumma has the goods!

Ruby also had her first trip to the shops on Wednesday were she was awake for the whole time. Mummy had to feed Ruby at the Coffee Club in front of the whole shopping centre. That was an experience.

Aunty Porsha and her mummy came to visit on Thursday, that was nice to have a normal (non baby) conversation for mummy. I hope that they come to see us all the time.

Then on Friday Ruby showed us what she is made of.....

Poor Ruby had a belly full of wind and screamed most of the day. Grandma and Grandpa who were visiting from the coast couldn't believe I was the same baby. Ruby eventually went to sleep at 8pm that night and went back to her normal feeding pattern of 3 hourly feeds.

But, since then Ruby just wont settle the same and has been having waking periods for hours where she just wont stop crying unless her Daddy has her. Mummy is only good for food (apparently).

We also had a fleeting visit from Grandpa Norman on Sunday and Great Grandma Betty and Great Grandpa Alton came to see me for a few hours - all I wanted to do was suck on mummy the whole time.

On a brighter note Ruby's eyes have gone a sapphire blue this week - just like Mummy's and her hair is getting lighter and lighter around the edges.

We are suppose to be visiting Mummy's work tomorrow but if Ruby is acting up in the morning like she has been, we might have to postpone the visit until we get into a better routine. Or mummy goes insane from being stuck in the house all day with the T.V.

Monday, January 21, 2008

It's a girl!


Ruby Alice Abbott
Born, 13th of January 2008 at 2:30am.
6 Pound 14 Ounces
48.5cm long
34cm head circ.

To view my album, click on the photo

Gosh I'm cute!!!

Well this post is well over due, we have been home almost a week now and have so much to post about.

Lets start with my first day.......the day before really

Mummy's waters broke at 2pm in the afternoon and due to her having the Strep B infection Daddy had to take mummy straight to the hospital so that she could get an IV in her arm so that antibiotics could be given to her every 4 hours. As the contractions hadn't started yet the doctors told mummy that they would have to induce her to get things moving (which would mean labouring on her back in bed), mummy cried and asked the doctors if she and Daddy could leave it an hour to see what would happen. Mummy and Daddy went for a walk and did a few natural things that they had read about to bring contractions on (really they were hiding from the doctors).

When they were walking outside the hospital Mummy and Daddy found their first visitors, Great Granny and Great Grandpa had come to see me....but they had a long wait, so Mummy sent them to see Aunty Emma, Uncle Jamie and big cousin Isabelle.

While Mummy was organising her visitors her contractions started getting closer together and by 7pm were in full swing. At 9pm Mummy and Daddy were taken to the Birth Suite and mummy had her first internal examination and found out she was 5 -6cm dilated.

All Mummy wanted to do was be in the shower with hot water on her back, cause that is where she was getting all the pain. So Daddy sat with Mummy in the shower and held the hose on Mummy until 1:30am when Midwife Marnie came to check my heart rate, give Mummy more antibiotics and do another internal. Midwife Marnie told Mummy that she should be having 4 contractions every 10mins and Mummy was only having 2 (a little disheartening for Mummy) but when Midwife Marnie did the Internal, there I was waiting to come out.

After a few pushes my head came only a little way down and Midwife Marnie told Mummy that I had to come soon or they would have to get me out. Mummy was really clever and got my head out soon after. The midwife's were a little concerned as I had pooed on the way out, but I hadn't taken any in (Daddy got to go with me when they tried to clear my nose and throat). Not long after my head came, I was born into the world. Mummy got to catch me (due to the way she was birthing) and held on tightly to me until Midwife Marnie asked her if she was going to see if I was a boy or a girl. Daddy was sure I was a boy just from looking at my big hands and feet (I get them from him) but he was wrong. Daddy also got the job of cutting my cord.

We spent 2 days at the hospital and came home on the Tuesday, we had lots of visitors at the hospital but my worst night (for mummy) was the first night when I just wouldn't settle after seeing my new family and friends all day. All poor Mummy wanted to do was sleep. The nasty midwife sent Daddy home cause he fell asleep in Mummy's bed.

This week I have been to see Mummy's doctor where we both had a check up (everybody is perfect), been to visit Great Granny and Great Grandpa - where I shit all over their carpet and all over Daddy (for the third time this week) - Mummy was a bit cranky that day - and I have been on two shopping trips - I slept through both.

Mummy's milk came in on Thursday and Daddy changed her name to Jordan that day. He thought it was very funny but Mummy looked like she was in a lot of pain and kept waking me for feeds (I think she was leaking).

Grandma Dianne and Grandpa Lindsay have been staying with us all week. Mummy likes to give me to Grandma when she needs to sleep. They have gone back to their home at the beach today, I am sure Mummy is going to miss them. I have also been to see Great Grandma Alice today, she didn't want to give me back to Mummy but gee she is comfy to sleep on.

This week we are going to see the Nurse at the chemist to get weighed and checked. Mummy thinks I have put on a heap of weight due to all the eating I have been doing..........we will keep you posted.........

Friday, January 11, 2008

Where's Wally.....I mean Rusty!

Even the cat is feeling sorry for me and pretending to be my baby.

Not long now puddy cat, after visiting the hospital yesterday the nice doctor who "made my baby angry" by poking it in the head, said that our little bundle of joy could arrive any day now. For some reason the doctors are all too keen to do internal exams and induce me even though I am only a few days over. But I was very determined not go down either of those paths and said that I would think about it for my check up next Tuesday (if we make it that long) .

As long as baby has a strong heart beat (which it has) and isn't distressed at all, I don't see what the big rush to get it out is. I will have to come up with a good excuse between now and Tuesday to avoid the ever keen doctors messing with me.

Hopefully my next post will involve a baby......

Monday, January 7, 2008

Does anybody else think my belly has dropped???

Today is baby's due date and just about everyone is ringing, texting, emailing or dropping by to see how I'm going. Unfortunately, I have nothing to report. Bubba has stopped wriggling around - I guess it has finally run out of room - and at the last hospital visit it's heart rate had dropped down to 120 beats, when it had been up around 160/140 for most of the pregnancy. Otherwise, I'm not getting any of the pre-labour symptoms nor am I at the "over it" stage. I don't think we are going to be in the 5% that arrive on their estimated due date.

We tried a few things yesterday to bring baby on (bumpy car rides etc) so that baby could celebrate it's birthday with Aunty Gai and so that Roger didn't have to go to work today - but no go :( The hospital will let me go until the 17th of January before they start talking induction, hopefully baby won't take after it's father, who came 3 weeks late.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We made it...I'm still fat!!!

As hoped, baby has managed to stay put until 2008! Baby is still active and moving around like crazy, so I really don't think it will be coming any time soon (5 days until ETA). We are off to the hospital this friday for our weekly check up and look out if I see the doctor that told me I will be having a Xmas baby.

Well, New Years came and went and I slept through it. God it was good! Roger and I spent 3 days at Kingscliff hanging out with Mum and Dad (Grandma and Grandpa). The weather has been horrible this last week but I still managed to get a couple of walks on the beach and a float in at the creek. Aunty Porsha and her mum also came for a visit :)

Roger copped a fair amount of grief from his family and some of mine about letting me be so far from the hospital with baby's birthday being so close. After having to go back to work on Monday and then going to visit his mum and my ever knowing brother, below is a photo of what greeted me the next day when it was time to go home from Kingscliff.

After talking with Jamie, the boys decided that this is a sure fire way to save the car in case my waters break while we are driving. What you can't see is the six large plastic bags that are also hiding under the mountain of towels. This is all a little extreme (I hope)!