Monday, January 28, 2008

Mummy I've found my lungs!

Well, this week started off soooo good......

Ruby weighed in at the Nurse on Wednesday at 7 pound 6 ounces. She had put on 500 grams in a week. Mumma has the goods!

Ruby also had her first trip to the shops on Wednesday were she was awake for the whole time. Mummy had to feed Ruby at the Coffee Club in front of the whole shopping centre. That was an experience.

Aunty Porsha and her mummy came to visit on Thursday, that was nice to have a normal (non baby) conversation for mummy. I hope that they come to see us all the time.

Then on Friday Ruby showed us what she is made of.....

Poor Ruby had a belly full of wind and screamed most of the day. Grandma and Grandpa who were visiting from the coast couldn't believe I was the same baby. Ruby eventually went to sleep at 8pm that night and went back to her normal feeding pattern of 3 hourly feeds.

But, since then Ruby just wont settle the same and has been having waking periods for hours where she just wont stop crying unless her Daddy has her. Mummy is only good for food (apparently).

We also had a fleeting visit from Grandpa Norman on Sunday and Great Grandma Betty and Great Grandpa Alton came to see me for a few hours - all I wanted to do was suck on mummy the whole time.

On a brighter note Ruby's eyes have gone a sapphire blue this week - just like Mummy's and her hair is getting lighter and lighter around the edges.

We are suppose to be visiting Mummy's work tomorrow but if Ruby is acting up in the morning like she has been, we might have to postpone the visit until we get into a better routine. Or mummy goes insane from being stuck in the house all day with the T.V.

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