Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day trip to Narnia set

Due to that fact that daddy had completed an extra long shift at work, mummy and Ruby evacuated the house this morning and went on an excursion to the Narnia 3 movie set being filmed at Cleveland Point.

Ruby had a great time playing in the park and watching the boat rock.
We were lucky to be there on the day that the actors were filming scenes and got to see the kids (if I was more of a nerd I might know there names), Lucy and Peter????, a dwarf and Gary Sweet in action. After watching for 45mins and seeing them do the same line over and over mummy has decided that being an actor must be the most boring job on the planet.

Monday, September 21, 2009

daddy says "evil is hereditary"

Apart from being the cutest thing you ever did see, Ruby also has the best little personality. She doesn't go far from her family when we are out, she is always eager to please you and make you smile and loves her mum and dad to bits :)
Ruby is sleeping and eating like crazy at the moment and we fear that another growth spurt is imminent.
Ruby is starting to say more words and is trying her hardest to copy little things that you are saying. After a trip out yesterday, we arrived at our driveway and a little voice came from the back of the car "home". Ruby knows the difference between hard and soft (gentle), she puts her hand up to her ear when you ask her if she is listening, we are working on using our loud voice less and our soft voice more often - especially when daddy is sleeping. She will twirl and sway when asked to and hums along to different songs she likes.
It's holiday time from all of Ruby's extra curricular activities so expect more photos as we will be heading out and about over the next couple of weeks.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reminiscing - too cute not to share

This is random, but I feel the need to share it with everyone. Ruby is a few days old and by the looks of things both mummy and Ruby are enjoying their nap together. Thanks for the photo work daddy.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Puppy sitting

On the spare of the moment mummy's boss needed us to house, dog, horse, chicken, puppy and bird sit for the last four days. Ruby absolutely loved feeding the four horses twice a day - until they got too close, collecting the eggs from the chicken coup and playing with the 12 week old blue staffy pups....nearly as cute as Ruby but not quite.

Each morning Ruby would wake up and announce that the horses, puppies and chickens needed dinner - "ney ninner", "wow wow ninner", "cluck cluck ninner" so off mummy and Ruby would go to feed them before anybody else had gotten out of bed. The farm or resort as we are now calling it also has an olympic size trampoline which mummy and daddy had a great time bouncing Ruby around. Ruby also learnt how to do a somersault from playing with mummy on the trampoline. This morning Ruby was somersaulting all over the bedroom, one after the other.

Over the last week Ruby has started trying out more and more words and now says and knows "hot", "pink", "brown", "black" and she is also starting to say two words - almost like a mini sentence - and usually always about dinner or Ruby, "Beby ninner" or "Beby night night".

This week after only having three hours sleep the night before and working all day, mummy for the first time ever, yelled at Ruby to go back to sleep. Ruby had been mucking around for an hour and a half at 2am and had started to ask for stories to be read. This was the final straw and Ruby got picked up, put back in her cot and told very sternly to go back to sleep. If you can believe it, she went back to sleep for the rest of the night and ever since has slept for 12 hours straight. The lack of sleep we believe was due to more teeth coming and this week Ruby has been all dribbly and her nose has been running like a tap. She isn't acting like she is ill, so we are now waiting for the last two teeth to hurry up and pop through. For christ sake hurry up!