Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ruby's bringing sexy back

Tyra Banks would be so proud..... Ruby's got it going on! The come hither look, the 'I just got out of bed' hair, the sexy bikini and the sand all over her bits! Work it baby!

Unfortunately, there is no good news on the teeth front, we can now definitely see the bottom molar on the left side but the other 3 are still in her gums, apparently hurting like crazy. Ruby has also had a couple of major spills this week, two were at Grandma's house when Ruby was trying to follow mummy to work, forgot she can't walk without holding on and let go of the couch and fell backwards on to the tiles. Then Ruby smashed her mouth on the change table at home, there was blood everywhere and mummy had the biggest scare but Ruby had forgotten about it in seconds - even with all the blood - and all her teeth are still intact, thank god. Unfortunately she didn't learn from this and still gives mummy grief by rolling over and sitting up as soon as she is put on her back. This is not fun at all when her bum is dirty.

Ruby is a pro at clapping hands now and does it when ever she thinks she has done something wonderful. So yep, she claps a lot. Go down the slippery slide, clap. Crawl to mummy, clap. Say Dadda, clap. Stand up, Clap. Ruby has also started doing Indians by herself this week, you guessed it, then she claps.

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