Friday, October 31, 2008


Poor little Ruby is really suffering with her teeth at the moment. We had a visit to the nurse this week who had a look in her mouth and has said that all 4 molars are very close to coming through. Everyone keep your fingers crossed as Ruby seems to be in a lot of pain with them at the moment and not sleeping much at all.

Otherwise, Ruby is very talkative and is babbling a lot. This is very cute when she says your name (mamma/dadda) but in the middle of the night when she only cries and calls for her mamma its not so cute, especially when Daddy thinks this is his way of staying in bed - she doesn't want me so you'd better go!!!

Ruby has just started to walk around only holding onto one of your hands. The more and more she does this the more co-ordinated she is getting with it. It was only a few days ago that she wouldn't let go to either of your hands and would fall to the floor if you let go of one of them.

The family also had a day at the beach this week - to cool off as it has been so hot - Ruby was so keen to get wet that she crawled straight across the sand bank and in to the water and just kept on going. Mummy and Daddy had to stop her before she was to deep to keep her head above the water. Daddy managed to get some great photos of Ruby in her first pair of speedos.

Ruby has also been to her friend Isabella's first b'day party. (We made an early exit as Ruby was overtired and cranky). The kids were so very cute in their party hats, however Ruby thought hers was very tasty and ate the top off of it.

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