Thursday, October 9, 2008

She liked it, honestly

On the weekend we had a house swap with Grandma and Grandpa and spent the night at Kingscliff. Ruby had a great time playing in the sand (eating the sand), swimming in the water at the creek and enjoying the sun and the salt air. Ruby was so worn out that mummy and daddy had to wake her from a 2 and a half hour afternoon nap on Sunday so that we could go home.

Mummy has also been taking Ruby to the new playground in Mt Cotton (it hasn't officially opened yet....shhh) in the afternoon after we get home from work and grandma's house. The playground is huge and has 4 slippery slides to choose from. Mummy and Ruby have only ventured on to 2 so far as we can't get to the other ones without daddy's help - maybe on the weekend. After going down the slides on mummy's lap and getting helped up the stairs on Monday, Ruby worked how to do it by herself on Tuesday. Ruby climbed up the stairs and slid down the slippery slide all by herself!!! She would climb up, sit down, slide down and then crawl back over to the stairs and go again. She had a great time, going around and around the park and she was too excited about all the climbing and sliding that she didn't eat any of the sand!! Mummy did have to hold her hand going down the slide as she kept trying to go head first....crazy, just like her mother!!

Ruby has also started to be picky about her food. She has gone from loving everything and getting cranky if you were going too slow with the spoon, to screaming the house down because she is not impressed with what you are feeding her. Meal times have become a bit of a mission, with food being thrown everywhere as the only way to calm Ruby down is to let her try and feed herself. We're not sure how much she is actually eating but she is still gaining weight weekly so we will just try to be patient with her. Although, this all may pass (fingers crossed) when the snot finally clears from last weeks cold and her teeth stop bothering her (her gums are terribly inflamed).

Ruby starts swimming lessons this Saturday, hopefully she won't scream the place down like mummy did when she was a baby. We'll keep you posted.

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