Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Big

Ruby has hit 9 months and is flying..............

Weight: 9.5kg
Height: 74.5cm
Head Circ: 43.7cm

In the past 3 months Ruby has jumped from being on the 75th percentile with her height and weight to nearly being off the chart for both. She is now on the 95th percentile for her height and the 90th for her weight. Soon she will be bigger than mummy!

This week Ruby started swimming lesson and absolutely loved it. There was lots of kicking, splashing and smiling. Mummy was unimpressed about the fact that she had to get her hair wet but overall the 30 mins was a blast. This week daddy is going to get in the pool and have the lesson with Ruby. He is very excited as this is the week where they start to dunk the babies.

Ruby is also back to her usually bubbly chatty self again and seems to be over her illness. She has a whole list of words she has just started saying in the last day or so, "Mumma", "Bubba", "Dadda" and "Nang Nang"?????

She has also started playing indians - well sort of - mummy will show her what to do, open your mouth, say ahh, and pat your mouth with your hand. Then it's Ruby's turn and she will open her mouth and you have to do the rest. She's not silly, if you are going to do it for me then I might as well let you!

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