Saturday, October 4, 2008

Party time

This week we celebrated Great Grandma's B'day by having a picnic in our park. Ruby and Isabelle got to show off their svelte bodies in their togs while having a ball in a blow up swimming pool.
Thank goodness Ruby didn't cry this week for Great Granny and Great Grandpa. She had big smiles and kisses for everyone. If you haven't seen this or had the experience of a Ruby kiss it is something not to miss, she will lean all the way in and open her mouth and purse her lips like she is going to give you the biggest french kiss. It is so cute that everybody kisses her all the time. This could be one of the reasons that she came down with a head cold on Tuesday this week.

Ruby was leaking from everywhere, her eyes where running, her nose was running and the dribble was chronic. Mummy had to nurse Ruby two nights this week so that she could get some sleep, as soon as she would lie down the snot would choke her and she would wake up. Another trip to the doctors some more antibiotics and lots of panadol and Ruby is back to her happy self again now. Although, mummy has managed to catch the bug - of course.

Ruby is cruising everywhere now and she is fast. All rooms of the house and every little thing you don't want her to touch she is into and if you put them up then she is climbing up and all over the furniture to get to it.
Still no sign of her teeth, not that we have been looking this week (to much else going on) but she is still putting everything in her mouth - another reason she could of got sick. Even the magnets off the fridge made it into her mouth this week.
Oh yeah, and before Ruby got sick her favourite word to say was "mumma" :)

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