Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meet Nigel......

This is Nigel, the only fish that was caught on the fishing charter Roger and the boys went on for his 30th B'day

To celebrate mummy and daddy turning 30, mummy organised to have a weekend away at Noosa with her whole family so that the boys could go fishing with daddy and Aunty Taryn could jump out of a plane with Mummy. The jump never happened and the boys only caught one fish, all due to the crappy weather.

Otherwise, the weekend was a blast. Ruby got to spend lots of quality time with her Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and even came away learning how to blow raspberries after watching Isabelle. Ruby was a star all weekend, (even with an eye infection that mummy gave her - bad mummy), sleeping in her jeep while everybody else paced up and down Hastings Street looking for somewhere to eat and even sleeping in daddy's arms at a cafe.

Ruby has had all her measurements done this morning as she is now 5 months old.

Weight - 7 300 grams / 16 pound 2 ounces
Height - 66 cm
Head circ - 41.3 cm

Ruby is just above the 75th percentile for her height and weight and dead on the 50th for her head circ. She has grown 4 cm in 4 weeks, which is alot according to the child health nurse. There hasn't been any more teeth showing up but her top gums are looking very swollen, so we don't think they are very far off.

Oh and check out the hair....

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