Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Go the LIONS!

Earlier this week mummy dressed Ruby up as the cutest Lions supporter ever and then took lots of photos and entered her in a competition she has no hope of winning. Is this child abuse????

Ruby has finally remembered how to sleep at night, hooray! She is sleeping from around 6:30pm until 3:30am and then back down until 7:30am. It wasn't just a one off either, she has been doing this since last Thursday. The only downside is that she didn't put on any weight at all this week. We determined that this was due to the fact that she wasn't having a feed every 2 to 3 hours at night like she had been for the past 2 months.

Ruby also had her first try of veges today and loved them. She had a huge couple of tablespoons worth of pureed potatoes. Ruby gets very excited now when she sees mummy preparing her food and tries her hardest to grab the spoon off mummy to feed herself. We also gave Ruby a rusk to munch on and help wear her top gums down. The rusks don't last long, she chews so hard that they are soggy and broken in a few minutes, never mind mummy gets to finish them off and she doesn't think they taste to bad either.

Check out the photo of Ruby in the tub in her album, to cute to miss and little to rude for the blog. Here's another cute one from the last week....

Watching T.V. with Daddy and Teddy...

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