Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Starting solids

The big news for this week is that Ruby has had her first try of food other than mummy's milk. Ruby has taken to this like a duck to water. Mummy has only given Ruby rice cereal in the morning after she has had her first drink, this is just to see how she goes with the new texture and eating from a spoon. So far there has been no dramas but then the cereal is just a tiny bit thicker than milk, we will see how she fairs over the next couple of days when mummy thickens up the cereal.

Mummy is also very impressed as Ruby doesn't seem to be a messy eater (yet), unlike her cousin who's latest trick is to blow raspberries with a mouthful of food, very funny to watch but not so funny for Aunty Emma who gets to clean up.
As promised mummy has taken a video of Ruby in the jolly jumper, daddy also took a video which mummy is not very impressed with, both of these have been uploaded to Ruby's album.

Ruby loves the jumper and is now jumping everywhere, in your arms, on your legs and even when she is one her tummy. She gets her little knees underneath her and then she starts pushing up and down (hilarious to watch from the back of her), apparently this is the precursor to crawling, if only she would lift her head off the ground at the same time.

She is getting stronger in her back and neck and is now reaching for things above her, mummy and daddy really don't think it will be long before Ruby is moving around.

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