Monday, February 4, 2008

Ruby's first trip to the beach

My girl is getting so big now. She weighed in on Wednesday at 8 pounds, that's another 300 grams in a week. Still not big enough to fit the cloth nappies we brought but it shouldn't be far off.

Ruby has had a few trips out and about this last week.....

On Monday we all went up to Grandma Sheila's house for dinner with Uncle Jamie, Aunty Emma and Isabelle. Poor Aunty Emma was very sick from a bug she picked up on their weekend away but both girls were very well behaved.

Tuesday we took a trip into the city to see all the people mummy worked with. Ruby woke up just as we got there and immediately went looking for the boob. Luckily there was an empty office we could use.

Thursday was a bad day. Ruby screamed and screamed most of the day with a sore belly. Eventually, she wore herself and mummy out at 3pm and they both slept (together) right through until 7:30pm.

On Friday Ruby had her first trip to Kingscliff to visit Grandma Dianne. Apart from a few cries on the way down in the car and a tantrum in the car on the way home, the trip went really well. Due to her bad day the day before, Ruby was so tired that she slept for 5 hours - which gave mummy and daddy and Grandma the opportunity to go to lunch and hit the shops and catch up on some sleep (for mummy). In the afternoon when the sun went down Ruby got to put her feet on the sand and get up close to the waves - while being awake. After waiting for Grandpa Lindsay to get home from work we eventually came home. Mummy says that we can go to the beach every day if Ruby is going to sleep like that.

On Saturday we went to see Great Grandma Alice and Grandma Sheila. Ruby cried and cried until mummy fed me (lots) and then I slept until all of mummys friends from AAA arrived. Then Ruby cried and cried some more. Poor mummy, everytime someone comes to visit, Ruby gets cranky and seems to constantly need feeding. It was lovely to see Kay-Lynn, Dorene, Adele and Andrew, it's just a shame that Ruby isn't very sociable yet.

It's daddy's first day back at work today, mummy wasn't looking forward to it at all. But so far so good..... or until daddy gets home.

We have a check up at the hospital first thing on Wednesday morning and then immediately after a visit with the Physio to check on Ruby's feet - they are turned in from being compacted in the womb. Mummy is a bit anxious about doing all of this on her own. Hopefully, Ruby won't be in a mood and scream the place down. Wish us luck.....

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