Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm a big girl now!!!

This post is well over due, and we now have a bit of catching up to do. I'll try not to bore you with the minor details.....

Ruby is 5 weeks old now and has put on 500 grams in the last fortnight which brings her up to 4.2kg or 9 pound 4 ounces. Finally big enough to fit the 'All In One' cloth nappies we brought for her.

In the last fortnight Ruby has had a couple of trips to visit Grandma and Grandpa at the beach. Aunty Porsha dropped in for a visit at the beach and also came to hang out on the couch with us to watch some girly DVD's. Great Grandma Betty and Aunty Gai got to nurse me while I screamed the caravan park down with a tummy ache last Saturday. We have also been to a mothers group, where Ruby was the youngest by a few weeks, and a picinic where Ruby slept for the entire day....mental note, go on more picinics!

My poor little girl has had a lot of trouble with her tummy the last couple of weeks and has had days were she just cries and cries and then screams and screams. She doesn't like to be put on down to sleep (unless she has already been asleep for over an hour), and will generally only fall asleep when someone is nursing her upright. She won't go in her stroller for longer than 8 minutes (that's the longest so far) and has only recently been getting used to being on her playmat and bouncer - neither of these have had lasting effect, yet! My girl just likes to be cuddled. Which is why I am two weeks behind in doing this blog (and everything else).

We are off to see an Oeseopath tomorrow to see if and alignment will help her - fingers crossed. Otherwise, I have been told this should all pass when she reaches 3 months of age.

Here are some cute photos from the last fortnight.........check out Ruby's photo album for the rest.

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