Friday, April 3, 2009


I don't know why we do this to ourselves but again we've had a massive week. They just seem to collide into each other at the moment.

Mummy decided very quickly when she heard the Australian Ballet were going to be doing a performance for free in the Botanical Gardens that we MUST go. Apparently so did everyone in Brisbane! Aside from the fact that it didn't start until 7pm and that the gardens were packed with people all bustling to get the best vantage point, Ruby, Mummy and Great Grandma had a really good evening. We started our night by catching the ferry into the city, Ruby's first boat ride! Ruby was very warying sitting at the back of the boat watching all the buildings fly past but by the end of the journey was really enjoying the ride and even pretending to surf as she stood up trying to keep her balance as we coasted along.

We got to the gardens in plenty of time to find a nice spot, that soon deminished around us as the starting time drew closer. Ruby was getting very irritated at the fact that mummy wouldn't let her go for a run through the crowd. She did manage at one point to run away from mummy and made it all the way to the front and nearly to the stage before she was caught. She found some nice young girls to roll and sit all over, which they didn't seem to mind and she would also help people empty out their picnic baskets and bring the food to mummy. But as soon as the music started and the dancers came out Ruby stopped in her tracks and just stopped and watched. She would say 'Wow' as the dancers floated around the stage and would clap and clap at the end of each performance.

Ruby was dressed to impress for the ballet and everyone would tell her how beautiful she was. The ones that didn't notice would get a shock as Ruby would stand there swinging her dress at them until they commented and told her how lovely she looked.

The evening was a late one and of course Brisbane city council didn't think to put on any extra public transport, so the wait to come home was horrible but all in all a great night was had by all.

On the subject of dancing. Ruby just loves music. She has a new favourite song which we play everyday (it just happens to me mummy's favourite as well). She sways in the slow bit, bounces when the music picks up beat and starts to clap along when the band start clapping....very cool!

We are working on numbers at the moment. This is Ruby's latest favourite book. We count and count and count. Well mummy and daddy do, I'm sure Ruby just loves the bright pictures.

We've also had a break through at swimming with the blue mat. Ruby has been bumped up a class and is starting to do some exciting things, like jumping in from standing and the new thing with the mat. The babies climb out the pool via the ladder walk around the edge and then across the blue mat which is floating in the pool to jump in the water to mum or dad. Ruby loved this so much she was lapping the other babies to have a second, third and forth go. She did however, start screaming again when we tried to get her to sit on the blue mat - go figure!

All dressed up for the ballet

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