Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beach bunny

Another wet and miserable Easter at the caravan! But didn't we have fun, stomping in the puddles, running through the rain on the beach, getting wet and sandy and just grubby in general. All the stuff Mummy wont allow at home. Daddy wasn't very impressed with the fishing - to much fresh water apparently but otherwise, the long weekend was a treat.
Ruby got spoiled as usual by her grandparents and is now getting really clued into what presents are and now gets really excited when she sees a wrapped present - whether it's for her or not. Ruby also got sent a really cool animated Easter card from her Aunty and Uncle in the UK. Ruby hasn't had much to do with the computer but would drag us back to to the study to play the card over and over again. The excitement could of had something to do with the chickens dancing across the screen. Ruby just loves animals. She has 3 books in particular that have animals in them that she makes us read all the time.
Ruby now also has a repertoire of animals sounds. Her favourite at the moment is Meow Meow. Grandma Dianne and Grandpa Lindsay got a new cat just last week that they decided to name 'Meow Meow' due to Ruby's constant meowing. Poor Rusty can't get a break either, she will scream at him like he is a Rock Star and run from across the room to pat him as hard as she can. Ruby's not very good at 'gentle' just yet.
Ruby also knows 'neigh', 'moo', 'woof woof' (sometimes) and kissy noises for the fish. She has also started doing the hand actions to Intsy Wintsy Spider when she sees a spider in the house and has puts her hands out, palms up when she has lost something. We have been having great conversations through sign language.
Ruby has just reached 15 months and if one more person asks mummy if Ruby is 2 years old (due to her size) she is going to scream. We are hoping to get Ruby weighed and measured next week to see how much she has actually grown in the last couple of months. We might have to start feeding her more processed food to slow her down for a bit.

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