Saturday, January 8, 2011

Almost 3

Wow what a time Ruby has had the last few months. Santa has been to visit along with her new best friend Phoebe.

She has had her first trip to Dreamworld, a day at Build a Bear and many a late night playing with her cousins from England - yes she is going to miss them.

Ruby got so spoilt at Christmas that leading up to her birthday in the next few days there isn't much left to get her. The 'plan' is to take her to the muesem for her birthday to see the Dinosaur exhibition. Ruby is dinosaur mad at the moment and mummy is trying to organise a birthday party to suit, right down to the cake.

With everything closed for Christmas and the state of our weather (lots of rain) Ruby and Mummy have been doing quite a bit of baking together. Ruby even got her own red knife so that she can help chop the veges for dinner.

School and swimming lessons are due to start back up again in a week, it will be nice to get back a little routine for Ruby since Tilly came along.

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