Thursday, March 5, 2009

She won't believe us....

Thank god for the blog and documentary evidence otherwise I don't think Ruby will believe us when we tell her how extraordinary she is at growing teeth. Yep, she is definitely teething again and getting her last 4 teeth.

That's right at 13 and a half months Ruby is getting the 4 teeth you aren't suppose to get until you are 2 years old! We are back to not sleeping and screaming at intervals during the night. She is chewing on lots of things again and is constantly grabbing her ears or the side of her face. She has also been very irritable during the day. Fun!

Other than this Ruby is great. Daddy took her to see the child health nurse this week to confirm our teeth theory. While they were there Ruby got weighed and measured and has grown 3cm in a month, while only putting on about 400 grams. She is now off the chart with her height.

Ruby is also doing lots of things that are apparently all part of her development. She started walking backwards this week, she started blowing bubbles (which we have been doing at swimming lessons), she is into nearly every cupboard in the house and is climbing on everything.
Ruby seems to have settled into the new routine we have made for her as well. She is getting to see a lot more of her Daddy and gets to spend a whole day with him on her own on Wednesday. This weekend we are relocating and house sitting for mummy's boss. Ruby is going to love it, they have 2 horses, 4 dogs, a bird, a bunch of chooks and a pool. Mummy is going to love it as she won't have to leave to go to work, she will get to spend lots of quality time with Ruby and daddy.....and they have a spa bath!

How cute is the pony tail - they don't last long as Ruby pulls them straight out if we don't destract her enough. But the hair in her eyes is driving Mummy nuts, so we will be persisting with the pony.

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