Saturday, February 7, 2009

Head Banging Ruby

Ruby loves to dance. She started dancing before she started walking with just her legs bouncing up and down. She then proceeded to the hand wave or spirit fingers at the same time as the leg bouncing and this week Ruby has added head banging to the mix. We are going to try really really hard to get a video of this as it is hilarious to watch.

We are back up and running again now with the computer and have a fair amount of Ruby to catch up on. She has started back at swimming lessons and music classes and is loving both of them. We've been and had her 12 month check up with the child health nurse, she weighed in a very healthy 10.45kg and is 79cm in height. We were also told that she is developing really well and don't need to bother coming in for the 18 month check.

For those that are checking out Ruby's photo album you will notice that there are a few photos recently of her in just a nappy. That's cause it is so bloody hot! Ruby has heaps of clothes please don't think we are too poor to dress her.

Ruby's last tooth is through and she now has 16 teeth. Just the two year molars to go....piece of cake!

Ruby has also spoilt mummy and daddy recently with lots of sleeping at night. We've had some great nights where she has only woken once or twice or slept for 9 - 10 hours straight. She has also just recently started to put herself to sleep in her cot, at night. Few! No more rocking, singing or sucking on mummy.

Mummy has been and had her Tarot read today and some lovely things were said about her family. Apparently, Ruby is gifted and has been put here for a reason (not just to torment Daddy). She told mummy that she could see Ruby in the public eye when she is older. If that's the case we may have to remove the naked baby photos from the internet!

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