Sunday, August 17, 2008

mmm... sand, tasty!!!

Last weekend Ruby had a great day at the beach visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Ruby got so sandy at the beach that we had to strip her down and give her a bath in the sink at the caravan. Not sure what she enjoyed more???
Ruby also had a day at the park with mummy and daddy's friends. Ruby got to dress up as the cutest fairy to meet the gang for the first time. Daddy warned Ruby before we got there that she would be eaten up by everyone and that she was. Lots of loving all around. Ruby also got a go on the kiddies swing, which we thought she might be to small for but she loved it of course.

All of Ruby's measurements were taken last Wednesday as she turned 7 months. She is now:
weight - 8,350 grams
height - 69cm
head circ - 42.5cm

On top of all the excitement from the weekend, the week was just as eventful with mummy getting food poisoning during the week and Ruby being rushed to the doctors last night with a fever. Turns out she has a throat and ear infection , poor muffin has been very upset the last few days and is now on panadol every 4 hours to keep the fever down and antibiotics to kill the germs. Due to this Ruby's album this week is looking a little bare as mummy has only remembered to take a photo of Ruby today. We will make up for it this week....promise

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