Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What's in your barrow grandpa???

Finally Ruby has worked out how to roll from her back to her front. Mummy has been trying to teach her this for a few days and she worked out how to do it all by herself on Saturday. She hasn't done it since but that's not the point.

Ruby got her top two teeth through last week and it now looks like her top fangs are here as well. That's 6 teeth before she is 6 months. At this rate Ruby will have all her teeth before she is 9 months. Ruby has also started to copy people, after spending a day or two with Grandpa Lindsay, who has been coughing for 5 weeks, Ruby now coughs when she wants someones attention. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her in anyway so Daddy and Mummy decided that she is just copying her Grandpa - of all the people she decided to copy, she picks him ??????

Ruby is now loving playing rough, you can swing her, throw her upside down, into the air and grab her belly and shake. She will laugh, giggle and chuckle and if you do all of this while singing to her she will just loose it. She has also just worked out that mummy and daddy have long hair (it's ususally tied back to avoid a Ruby tug), she thinks it is hilarious when you flip your hair in front of her face.

On top of her having issues with her mouth with all the new teeth, Ruby also has sore legs. She has been for her 6 month injections this morning. Ruby was very brave and only cried a little when she was getting stabbed but on the way home she wailed and wailed. She also got weighed and measured and is now:

Weight - 7,750 grams
Height - 67cm
Head Circ - 42.5cm

Oh yeah, did I mention how she loves her reflection.....

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