Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

It's been a big week for both mummy and Ruby. We've had a trip into mummy's old work (before she got made redundant), went to the beach to see Grandma and Grandpa, had a picnic with daddy at the park, had a party at Uncle Jamie's house for mothers day, went shopping at DFO all day with Grandma and Ruby got her 2nd lot of injections today. After all of this she was still smiling and talking to the ladies in the reception area at the doctors (after getting stabbed) - such a trouper.

Ruby has gotten an adorable giggle in the last week. She has a big smile - mouth wide open, like she wants to eat you - and chuckles about everything and nothing. She loves standing up and playing aeroplanes.

Her dribbling is getting worse and she is constantly putting things in her mouth. Ruby has rolled over a few more times and has finally found her toes. Ruby grabbed her toes for the first time on mothers day. The funniest thing is watching Ruby in the Jolly Jumper. Ruby wont bounce unless there is music on and she spins around and around with her legs going like she is an Irish Dancer. Mummy will get a video of this for the next blog.

Ruby is sleeping much better during the day. Mummy gave up with putting Ruby down on her back and tried putting her on her tummy like Grandma used to do for her babies. Ruby is sleeping for hours now - Ruby and mummy missed half of the mothers day party due to her sleeping. Though, mummy is paranoid and has to check on Ruby all the time due to the SIDS factor. Unfortunately, nothing has changed at night and mummy thinks that Ruby is needing a bit more food to help get her through until morning (like she was doing). Mummy is adamant about not trying formula but has brought some potions to try and help her milk supply increase - everyone keep your fingers crossed!

Ruby had all her measurements done last week and she is now:

  • weight - 6,500 grams / 14 pound 5 ounces
  • height - 63.5cm
  • Head circ - 40.4 cm

This puts Ruby on the 75th percentile for her weight and height and the 50th percentile for her head circ. (little pin head!). Speaking of her head, has anybody else noticed how fair she is going? She is getting snow white fluff in all the spots where her long dark hair used to be....don't anyone dare tell me she looks ginger!

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