Last night was the first in weeks that Ruby only woke twice (12am and 4am), the previous night mummy slept on Ruby's floor due to the hourly calls. It's amazing what a mouth full of Bonjela will do for a girl! Even though the bottom front teeth have come through Ruby is still carrying on like there is something going on in her mouth - all dribble and hands in the mouth still.
Ruby is also rolling over more often - especially when you are not watching - mummy and daddy caught Ruby at the top of her cot, upside down playing with her stuffed animals when she was suppose to be asleep.
This morning mummy found Ruby at the wrong end of lounge room rug, after leaving her on her tummy on the play mat at the other end. She has worked out how to push (it's not quite a crawl) herself backwards - almost like a baby style moon walk.
Ruby's child health nurse has stopped talking to mummy about formula and has now suggested mummy start Ruby on solids/rice cereal in the morning. In the last fortnight Ruby only put on 200 grams in total (even after sucking the life out of mummy at night) and the theory is that Ruby is burning up all her food with all her activity. We will keep you posted on this as the W. H. O. recommends not starting solids until 6 months - not 4 and a half months. But then they don't know Ruby and how she thinks she is older than what she is!
This week Ruby had her first experience in a high chair (by accident). Grandpa Lindsay put Ruby in one at a cafe when mummy wasn't looking and guess who loved it. Sat there like she was Queen Bee, loving every minute. Mummy would never had thought that she was ready for a high chair.
Here are some cute photos from the last week:
Hanging out with Aunty Porsha at Kingscliff
Knackered after helping mummy with the vacuuming