Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vocal cords are go!!!

Ruby has become very talkative this last week. She will gibber away to Mum and Dad most of the day and also to the picture of Bob Marley on the wall - she has great conversations with Bob!!

Ruby also loves the new games Mummy is playing with her. She does sit ups now without any prompts, as soon as you put your hands in her hands she gets a big smile and tries to sit up herself - she's not quite there yet. This week Mummy has started trying to strengthen Ruby's back and neck muscles by putting a rolled up towel underneath her armpits while she is lying on her tummy. Ruby lifts her head without any trouble but just hasn't got the knack of using her arms to hold herself up. Mummy is also giving Ruby ideas on how to roll over. While lying on a rug Mummy lifts one edge to help Ruby get the idea of how to roll. After two days of playing these games Ruby is now rolling off the rolled up towel (from her belly to her back) all by herself.

This week we are also working on Ruby going to sleep by herself in her cot. She will do this no trouble at all in the vibrating bouncer but put her in the cot - no hope. This is mainly due to the fact that Ruby has a lot of trouble with wind and majority of the time will wake up when lying flat on her back needing to burp. So far we aren't having as much joy as we are with the games but she managed to go off to sleep today in the cot for 30 mins before waking and crying for a burp. Mind you she has no trouble sleeping in her cot at night - go figure!

Ruby also got weighed this morning and has put on another 150 grams in the last week taking her up to 5450 grams/12 pounds. That's 500 grams in the last month. She will be 12 weeks old next week and will be due to be measured head to toe etc. I guess we will get to see where that 500 grams has gone then (not just in her belly Aunty Debra!!!)
Dinner with Daddy!

Getting herself ready to sit up - legs up, tummy clenched (showing off at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house!)

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